They're Safe
The very first reason that a pleated shade could work for you is that they are safe around children. The cords that make the pulley system are inside the fabric, unavailable to any curious toddler. Once the shade is pulled up, the pull cord is safely tucked out of reach. Indeed, there are now shades that come with spring action lifting systems that eliminate the pul! cord all together.
Then there is the snug fit of this type of shade. It can match the shape and size of your window exactly, meaning there is no extra cloth hanging within a toddler's reach. Your child will have nothing to yank on or get tangled in, and all parents could use one less thing to worry about.
Pleated Shades are Flexible
Pleated shades are very flexible and accommodating when it comes to letting in light and heat. Some types of shades can put your room in total darkness or blinding light, but they can't do anything in between. Pleated shades come in a variety of thickness and colors that can be used to let in the right amount of light for your particular needs. You can use them to soften the fierce afternoon light and brighten the dim evening rays in the same room.